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Sunday's Schedule
10:00am - 11:00am
D. Hron / A. Messier
Visitors Welcome
Aikido Champlain Valley
Aikido Champlain Valley

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    Aikido of Champlain Valley offers one of the only intensive training/live-in Aikido programs in New England. We welcome students to apply from all countries, styles and traditions.


    ACV has two separate programs – one for soto deshi and another for uchi deshi. A soto deshi  (“outside student”) lives outside of the dojo, but seeks greater focus and intensity in their Aikido practice than that of a regular student. An uchi deshi (“inside student”) enters a traditional method of apprenticeship for students prepared to sacrifice a great deal in exchange for a deeper commitment to their practice, the dojo and their teacher. An uchi deshi lives in the dojo and is willing to engage in more intensive training, integrating their lives with that of the dojo.  Applicants for both programs should be at least 3rd kyu in Aikido (exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Chief Instructor).


    • Train at least 10 hours of classes a week. Students must attend all of the weapons classes including iaido, zazen, and all deshi classes. Deshi classes are private and closed to regular members.
    • Attend all in-house seminars, sesshin (intensive Zen meditation retreats) and USAF summer camp.  If you cannot attend summer camp, you must also attend at least 3 shihan seminars a year.
    • Samu, or daily cleaning. This means cleaning the dojo and grounds every day of practice.  The student discovers the integral relationship between self-study and service.


    All of the above requirements, and also
    • Train at least 14 class hours a week. In addition, training should include free practice and self study outside of class.
    • Cleaning the kitchen/stove and common area. >The bedrooms should also be immaculate. Practice "no trace camping"
    • Cultivate a daily meditative practice. This could be zazen or any practice that resonates with you.
    • Be aware that you are living in a sacred place, so try to embody the spirit of a budoka at all times.


    • Soto Deshi: $90 a month (includes Iaido).
    • Uchi Deshi: $300 a month for rent/utilities + $90 a month for training.
    A kitchen, three bathrooms, a separate bedroom space for three students and a shower are included. Students provide food and cook for themselves.


    If you are interested in either the Uchi Deshi or Soto Deshi program, please write a letter of intent, including
    • Name, age, address, e-mail and occupation.
    • Background history - include pertinent medical history.
    • Explanation of why you want to join the program. What are your personal goals?
    • Proposed duration of your stay at Aikido of Champlain Valley.
    • Rank in Aikido, number of years you have trained, and background in other martial arts
    • A letter of recommendation from a teacher.
    Your application should be sent by postal mail; we will not accept applications sent by e-mail. We do welcome questions regarding the program by letter, telephone or e-mail.

    The Chief Instructor will review your letter and will arrange a time for an interview (either in person, by telephone, or letter depending on distance and convenience).

    Aikido of Champlain Valley
    257 Pine St. Burlington, Vermont 05401
    (802) 951-8900

    Aikido of Champlain Valley is a 501(c)(3) federal non-profit organization that admits students of any race, color, age, gender, and sexual preference to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities that are available to all members. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin in our educational, hiring and admissions policies.
    Aikido of Champlain Valley is a member of the United States Aikido Federation
    ©2004-2008 Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St., Burlington Vermont For questions or comments about this web site, please e-mail the webmaster .